
Alfred Noyer (Postkartenverlag)

Französischer Postkartenverlag. (besucht am 12.06.2016): "Noyer Studio (1910-1940’s)
Paris, France
A large photo studio supervised by the well known photographer Alfred Noyer. Many of his early cards were photo reproductions of drawn, painted, or sculpted artworks printed in halftone lithography. He also produced illustrated photo cards of the First World War, many with heavy patriotic or allegorical themes. By the 1920’s he began producing cards of children and women, many of which were nudes or risque images. His boldly hand colored seaside figures became his most recognized style. Many of his photos from this time were heavily toned in blue or sepia. Noyer was a member of the Salon de Paris. He photographed paintings for the Salon and other institutions for the production of art cards. While many cards carry his distinctive logo or his name, others are just marked AN."

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Hergestellt Alfred Noyer (Postkartenverlag)
Empfangen Maria Neukirch ()