
Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814)

"Johann Gottlieb Fichte (/ˈfɪxtə/;[28] German: [ˈjoːhan ˈɡɔtliːp ˈfɪçtə];[29][30][31] 19 May 1762 – 27 January 1814) was a German philosopher who became a founding figure of the philosophical movement known as German idealism, which developed from the theoretical and ethical writings of Immanuel Kant. Recently, philosophers and scholars have begun to appreciate Fichte as an important philosopher in his own right due to his original insights into the nature of self-consciousness or self-awareness.[18] Fichte was also the originator of thesis–antithesis–synthesis, an idea that is often erroneously attributed to Hegel.[32] Like Descartes and Kant before him, Fichte was motivated by the problem of subjectivity and consciousness. Fichte also wrote works of political philosophy; he has a reputation as one of the fathers of German nationalism." - ( 02.11.2019)

What we know


was born Rammenau May 19, 1762
died Berlin January 29, 1814
Husband of Johanna Marie Rahn
father of Immanuel Hermann Fichte [son of], Johanna Marie Rahn [mother of]


lived Niederau 1771-1773
Student Landesschule Pforta Naumburg 1774-1780
Student Theology, Law, Philology Jena 1780-1781
lived Leipzig 1781-1788
teacher Zürich 1788-1790
Traveller Warsaw January 1, 1791-March 31, 1791
Traveller Kaliningrad July 1, 1791
bridegroom Johanna Marie Rahn Baden, Switzerland 1793
Traveller Berlin March 1793
visitor Novalis [visitor], Friedrich Immanuel Niethammer [was visited] Jena May 1795
teacher University of Jena Jena 1794-1799
professional / worker Erlangen 1805
Traveller Klaipėda June 13, 1807
Traveller Copenhagen July 9, 1807
Traveller Berlin August 1807
professional / worker Berlin

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Porträt von Johann Gottlieb FichtePorträt Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814)
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Was depicted (Actor) Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814)
Template creation Friedrich Bury (1763-1823)

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