

"A droshky or drosky (Russian: дрожки (plural); Polish: dorożka (singular); Estonian: troska (singular)) is a term used for several types of carriage, including:

A low, four-wheeled open carriage used especially in Russia. It consists of a long bench on which the passengers ride sideways or astride, as on a saddle, with their feet on bars near the ground.Various two-wheeled or four-wheeled public carriages used in Russia and other countries. Dray cart.The name comes from the Russian word doroga, meaning path or road.

Early 19th Century depiction by Aleksander Orłowski." - ( 10.06.2020)

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He! Droschke, was kostet die Elle von dem Pferde?/ Spatzieren Sie man gefälligst herein, vor dem Laden wird nicht gehandelt, ick werd's Ihnen nachher sagen.
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