

"sister: Tarsiiformes

SynonymsAnthropoidsmonkeys (cladistically incl. apes)

The simians or anthropoids are an infraorder (Simiiformes) of primates containing the parvorders Patyrrhini and Catarrhini, which consists of the superfamilies Cercopithecoidea and Hominoidea (including the genus Homo).

The simians are sister to the tarsiers, together forming the haplorhines. The radiation occurred about 60 million years ago (during the Cenozoic era). 40 million years ago, simians from Afro-Arabia colonized South America, giving rise to the New World monkeys. The remaining simians (catarrhines) split 25 million years ago into Old World monkeys and apes." - ( 01.12.2019)

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Haken in AffenformDer Pavian, Schöpfungsgeschichte IBerufskundliche Skizze für das Ledergewerbe - Mittelstufe Blatt 1Die Affen, Illustration für die Zeitschrift "Der Bildermann. Steinzeichnungen für’s deutsche Volk." herausgegeben von Paul Cassirer, 1916 (Heft 14, 20. Oktober, S. 2)AffentheaterAus der Affenbude
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