
Albrecht Christian Kalle (1611-1679)

Zeichner, Kupferstecher, Grafiker in Berlin
Wirkungsdaten: 1630-1670 (gnd 23.01.2015)

"Albrecht Christian Kalle (auch Albert Christian Kalle, * 18. Februar 1611 in Berlin; † 1679 in Strausberg) war ein deutscher Zeichner und Kupferstecher." - (Wikipedia (de) 11.08.2021)

Relationships with persons or entities via objects

(The left column lists the relations of this actor to objects in the right column. In the middle you find other actors in relation to the same objects.)

Template creation Albrecht Christian Kalle (1611-1679)
Was depicted (Actor) Friedrich Balduin (1575-1627) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Jakob Martini (1570-1649) ()
Was depicted (Actor) Wilhelm Leyser (1592-1649) ()
Printing plate produced Peter Aubry (1596-1666) ()

Printing plate produced Albrecht Christian Kalle (1611-1679)
Was depicted (Actor) Johannes Stralius (1602-1663) ()